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Friday, July 26, 2024

6 Mistakes You Need to Avoid in the Breeders’ Cup

The Breeders’ Cup is just several days away, and if you want to be profitable in horse racing betting, then this is a horse racing event you shouldn’t miss. 

However, suppose you’re new to horse racing or have never participated in a huge event. In that case, you’re in luck because this article will discuss some of the mistakes people often make in horse racing events like this. This is a good learning opportunity if you want to maximize your profits in the Breeders’ Cup. 

Let’s start.

Ignoring Surface Differences

Many horses will be participating from around the world, and many of them will be first-timers in said event. That means a significant portion of horses would also be adjusting to the Breeders’ Cup, and one of the aspects of the race that the horses would be required to adjust to is the surface difference. 

But how is this important? Different thoroughbreds have preferences when it comes to tracking surfaces. They tend to do worse in the race when out of their element. For example, some horses are much faster on synthetic track surfaces. However, they tend to be slower on dirt surfaces and vice versa. 

This all boils down to the type of foot a horse has. Some horses are heavy-footed, while others are light-footed. Heavy-footed horses tend to be slower on dirt surfaces because their hooves burrow deep into the soil. They won’t have to suffer this in synthetic surfaces, so all of their power will translate into speed. 

On the other hand, a light-footed surface can be faster than the heavy-footed one since their hooves won’t burrow deep into the soil. They can also be fine with synthetic track surfaces; however, they aren’t as fast as heavy-footed ones. 

With all that in mind, note that the Breeders’ Cup uses a dirt surface. In this event, it might be better to bet on a light-footed horse.

Failing to Conduct Research

One of the significant blunders you can make as a bettor is not conducting proper research. Going in blind is like a death sentence for your bankroll, so if you want to keep it alive, you might want to do some research. Doing this gives you more in-depth information about the TVG Breeders Cup contenders, their jockeys, owners, and even trainers. Not only that, but you’d also have more information about the race itself and even the predicted weather.

These aspects are critical factors in your bets, especially the horses’ history with the race. Some horses with a successful history with a race tend to have a bigger chance of winning. This is because the horse is already familiar with the track and its surface and has an overall better experience with the event. This win rate can even go higher the better its history with the race.

Betting Only on Favorites

Beginners tend to lean more toward favorites, which is not a bad thing per se. However, it’s not always a good choice. Often, the bookmaker picks the favorites, who also factor in the public’s opinion. But as all know, the public and the bookmakers aren’t always correct. 

This is why you should conduct your own research to have an educated opinion. There’s also the risk of false favorites. False favorites are favorites that have a low chance of winning. Bookmakers tend to put them in races that aren’t getting enough action.

Listening Too Much at the Experts

Everyone has opinions on significant horse racing events like the Breeders’ Cup. That said, countless experts out there advise people about which horse to bet on a specific race, how much to bet, etc. While some of these pieces of advice are sound, you shouldn’t rely too much on them. Remember that they are also people, which means they can’t see the future. 

Not only that, but hundreds of them are out there, and how would you know which of them has the better opinion and advice? While it’s good to listen to them from time to time, most of the time, you should also listen to your research and guts.

Ignoring Track Conditions

As mentioned earlier, a part of your research should be on the predicted weather during the race. But how is this important? This is because the weather significantly impacts the horses’ performance. This makes the dirt muddier, slowing even the light-footed horses. Horses wearing blinders can be confused about all the stimuli, etc. It might just be a small part of your research, but you should always take your time and pay attention to it.

Relying on Reputation

The Breeders’ Cup is a massive event for horse racing fans, owners, trainers, and jockeys. Many big names will be there, and it’s only natural that some bettors will be drawn into betting on the big names. However, reputation is only reputation. Sure, they might have a lot of experience, but the race all boils down to many other things. That said, don’t focus too much on it.

Final Words

The 2022 Breeders’ Cup is just days away, and if you’re planning to be richer after the event, these are some of the mistakes you need to avoid making. Most important, however, is that you should always research as it’ll be your most helpful tool in the Breeders’ Cup. With tons of research and a little luck, you might become rich in the Breeders’ Cup.

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