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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Passiflora Caerulea Flower (Blue Passion Flower)

Passiflora caerulea is one of the most beautiful plants you will find in your surroundings. It is also known as the blue passion flower or blue crown passion flower and is a native plant of America that can be found everywhere. This flower’s beauty is mesmerising and is found worldwide, so people export flowers to other countries. It belongs to the Passifloraceae in plant communities. These flowers are colourful in texture and have a length of around 10 meters. The climate plays a vital role in growing this plant as its length can grow up to 25 cm if there is desired habitat.

In Japan, passiflora caerulea is also known as a clock plant because people think this flower resembles a clock. The flower is oval in structure and contains different colours, such as green, purple, yellow, lavender, and white. This flower also produces a fruit that tastes good when it is ripened. However, the fruit contains many seeds, which are highly used in preparing beverages, ice–cream, marmalades, etc. Passion fruit has various qualities, including medical features such as being suitable for digestion, protecting from infection, etc. In this article, we will share all the necessary information about the passiflora caerulea flower, its care, how it is grown, etc.

Overview of Passiflora Caerulea Flower

With the help of the table, you can easily understand what the blue passion flower is and how it looks:

Scientific name Passiflora Caeruleae
Another nameBlue passion flower, crown passion flower or passion flower
Native North and South America
Best season for plantationIt can be grown in any month of the year
Blooming seasonThe blooming season for passion flowers in summer
Toxicity No other parts of the flower can be used except fruit
Sunlight requirement Once or twice a week
Height of the plantThe plant can grow up to 30 cam maximum
Indian name Passiflora ceruleanKrishna kamal

About the passion flower of Passiflora caerulea flower

The passion flower is one of South and North America’s most beautiful and fastest-growing plants. It is grown almost everywhere in that area. Moreover, you can find it in any part of the world. Once the wine starts sprawling, it starts growing at a quick speed. Usually, the passion flower has a diameter of around 8 – 10 cm and has an average height of 25 cm, which can be extended to up to 30 cm. The structure of the passion flower is unique and different from other flowers. It has a crown-like structure on top, and green and white leaves sprawl across the crown. It is named Passiflora caerulea because of its structure. The best part is that this flower provides a fruit that is quite beneficial for health. However, the fruit looks quite similar to the orange and has a bland taste. However, you can even find miniature passion flowers, which are comparatively more minor. These tiny passion flowers are great for small bouquets and spaces.

Passiflora Caerulea flower in India

In India, passiflora caerulea is known as Krishna Kamal, which depicts the flower of the Hindu god Lord Krishna. Moreover, it is known as Kamal because it is only associated with lord Krishna’s name. Every part of the flower depicts some features of Krishna, which is why it is considered a pretty pious flower. Therefore, the green and yellow stamen of the flower signifies Krishna’s Sudarshan chakra. Five yellow anthers are considered to be the Pandavas, while the blue filament is deemed to be the Kauravas. Hence, every part of this flower has a story to tell. In various temples, flowers symbolise the presence of Krishna while praying in temples.

How to grow Passiflora Caerulea flower?

 Many people love to grow different species of flowers in their home gardens as it provides them peace. However, you can easily do it if you love producing beautiful and diverse flowers and even want passiflora caerulea in your garden. The beauty of passiflora cerulean will enhance the garden’s look, and its aroma will satisfy your smell buds quite nicely. Though it is the native flower of South America, you can still quickly grow it in any part of the world. The best part is that you do not have to wait long for the blooming process because it only takes a short time to grow. However, if you plan to expand passiflora caerulecerulean, use the steps below.

Seeds are considered to be the foremost step in the process of growing flowers. So you have to get the seeds of Passiflora cerulean from the flower shop, and if you do not find them nearby, you can even buy them online from any shopping platform. However, if you already have a passion flower, you can collect the seeds from the passion fruit. If you want to store the seeds, then make sure to wait till the fruit ripens nicely. You can wash the seeds and dry them in direct sunlight.

  • Soak and clean the seeds.

The next step is to soak the seeds in the water overnight. The soaking process will help you in getting the right seeds. Keep the seeds in warm water and discard those that float above the water level as they are dead. Now clean the remaining seeds nicely with water and rub them gently to remove dirt. Be gentle while washing seeds, as it can harm the outer layer, resulting in no flower.

  • Keep a tab

Once you soak them, regularly check on them until they sprout because then only you can place them in the soil. Usually, the seeds take around two and a half months to germinate. Once the seeds start sprouting, kindly remove them and keep them in sunlight daily.

  • Time to report

The planning process is crucial and takes a lot of time, but if you’re adamant and want to grow it, you should complete all the steps with immense patience. However, once you notice that seeds are germinated, you can report into the soil in your garden. The flower needs a small amount of sunlight, so place it accordingly. It would be best to grow it near some support because it grows into vines that need support.

Growing passiflora caerulea flower from the stem

If you want to grow the flower quickly, try the stem-cutting process. As seeds take a lot of time to develop from scratch, the cutting process is different. However, following the steps below, you can get a full-blown passiflora caerule in your garden.

  1. Cut the stem of around 15 cm from the stem of the vine.
  2. Now, remove all the leaves from the stem.
  3. Place the stem into the soil.
  4. Cover it nicely and keep it in partial sunlight.

Tips to take care of passion flower

The passion flower is graceful and needs time to grow if we start it with sowing seed. However, you can still include this flower in this garden. If you’re new to gardening and do not know much about it, check out some points that will provide you with a beautiful and blooming flower. However, some of the steps to take care of passion flowers are:

  • Careful watering 

Watering is necessary for any plant to grow nicely, so you need to water the flower promptly. However, in the case of a passion flower, you do not have to water it repeatedly as it doesn’t require a lot of water. If you water them frequently, then the roots can eventually rot. You can water them once or twice every week and keep them in sunlight for definite growth.

  • Winter care 

The passion flower is a summer flower that blooms at its peak in summer only. However, if you’re planting the seeds in winter to get a blooming flower in summer, then you have to take good care of the plant. Protect the flowers from frost, as it can harm the roots.

  • Keeps the pest away

Pests are one factor that influences the plant and its growth to a greater extent, so if you want a good and healthy flower, you should keep the pests away from it. Use appropriate pesticides so your flower is not affected by whiteflies, spiders, etc.

  • Provide support

The passion flower has a long structure and even has long vines. However, for the growth of these vines, they need support to grow fully.

  • Pruning

The passion flower is delicate, so it is necessary to prune the vines of the flower once every year. The passion flower blooms in summer, so winter can be a great time to prune the branches of passion flowers. It would help to cut the dead and dried leaves so they can grow nicely.

Types of Passion Flower 

Passion flowers can be found all across the world. However, if it is your favourite flower and you want to grow all types of passion flowers, it is essential to know about them first. However, you can boost passion flowers and increase their beauty in your home.

  1. Purple passion flower

The purple passion flower is a deep purple flower that has a beautiful crown on top of it. It is also known as the passion flower incarnate. The flower has an attractive appearance and various medical beasts, such as helping to deal with anxiety, stress, etc.

  1. Stinking passion, flower

The stinking passion flower is also known as Passiflora foetida. However, this passion flower’s structure differs slightly from others, containing three lobed leaves with yellow–greenish leaves. Moreover, it has a perfect texture and various medicational features.

  1. Passion fruit vine

The passion fruit vine is a long and climbing plant in structure, and its scientific name is Passiflora edulis. It is quite famous among all the passion flowers because of its fruit, which tastes incredible in flavour. The fruit has an outer shell that contains seeds and fluid.


The passion flower is undoubtedly one of the most adorable and gorgeous-looking flowers. It is easy to grow and can be placed in any part of your house. Its beauty and texture make it different from other flowers. However, once you develop this in your garden, your garden will be full of sweet aromas. Moreover, it contains many medical benefits, so if you consider growing a passion, follow the above-giveness.

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